A candle consumes itself to give light to others and it ends there. But, the powerful question is: Do you want to be just like the candle that dims itself after lighting for a short period or do you want to be like the sun that radiates light not at it's cost but after conserving the energy within & radiating that outside for all to shine & glow? There is altogether a science behind the light emission but what I am trying to say by using this metaphor is to urge you to reflect on yourself and ask if you are being the candle or the sun while giving yourself out there in the world. Here's an interesting conversation that I had with one of my clients who is a giver, but somewhere feels lost while giving. And because of that my client feels purposeless, tired, exhausted, lifeless. Here goes the dialogue (To maintain confidentiality, names are not used and even the gender is not disclosed):
Client: I am a people's person and I allow the people around me to define me. I love doing that and it gives me joy. Me: Great! You are an extra-ordinary giver! So what's the challenge when you are doing what you are doing and you love it? Client: I am lost. Although I love what I do, I am kind of standing on a cross-road now and there are two paths in front of me. One that I am passionate about and where my inner dreams lie and the other is what I must do to make others happy and satisfied. I don't know what I am supposed to do. Which one should I pick up. Both are conflicting and I am confused. Me: What if you have both? Not this/that but both? Client: Is that even possible? How can I do that? You mean I stop caring for others and become selfish?! Me: That's what you are thinking! Who says you are selfish if you do what you love to do? Imagine when you are doing what you are passionate about, who would you be? Client: More nourished, more happier and more fulfilled! Me: Great! From that space will you be able to serve others better? Client: Yes, I think so. I would be more inspired to help, support and take care of others because that would come from a space of not losing myself but doing it while discovering myself and giving more powerfully. Me: Great insight! Some more food for thought for you. Would you like to lose yourself by giving or would you like to discover yourself, empower yourself, rejuvenate yourself in the process of giving & serving? Client: Obviously the second one. But I am not used to doing this.I get easily influenced by others and people's need come first for me. Me: That's okay. We will together handle that during the sessions. I will coach you to connect with your wisdom inside and figure out a solution/action plan to not to slip into your old patterns. Are you up for playing that game? Client: Yes, I want to for sure. I need to care for myself and not just let myself waste in the process. Me: Awesome! And the conversation continues.... This is one of the most common dilemma witnessed among givers. They are wonderful people who cares and empathizes so much for others but unfortunately loose themselves while doing so if they aren't mindful of their actions and behaviours. There's nothing wrong in giving, but as a giver; the first responsibility is towards yourself and only when you first take care of yourself, you will be able to give profoundly. You can then be a powerful giver in every sphere of your life. Your glass needs to be filled by you first and then you can give. Otherwise, in the name of giving you are just transferring emptiness in the lives of others including you. So, it's important for you to decide if you want to be just a candle or the sun that radiates bright & gives warmth to everyone. Love & light, Priyanka
Intention is the seed that creates our future & our present experiences.
If you take a deep look at your life wheel which encompasses everything, you'll realize that those areas where you don't really have a powerful intention are the areas where you are behind. And when I say behind, it's not with anybody or anyone but yourself. Your own growth in that area has been stagnant because you haven't committed yet to improve in that area. And to improve in that area, you need to first have a powerful intention. Many a times, we even find it hard to articulate our intentions because we either have lost hope, numbed our desires to achieve/work in those areas or have lost sight of possibilities being created in those areas because of various reasons such as past experiences, conflicting values, goals etc. We often have goals and we try to get there. But goal is a place to come from and not to go to. Hard to assimilate?! Right, but that's what the truth is if you really look at it. Whatever goal you set for yourself, you have to live that goal first by setting a powerful intention, second by recreating that intention on paper which we call as plan/strategy and then by taking actions to achieve them. After having a powerful intention, you just throw it at the Universe and breathe that intention day in and day out. What happens when you have an intention? You shift from the inside, your being shifts. You may first find it even hard to see a way through fulfilling that intention. The intention may seem to be very scary and unimaginable and your rational mind may question you on these parameters: 1. How will I achieve that/become that? 2. When will I achieve it, we have a tendency of rushing? 3. Is this even possible given my own understanding of the reality of where I am? 4. What if I don't achieve and waste all my time and energy? You might ask many more questions but it is important to remember that all these questions that are there in your mind are relevant but not the proof of reality that you might actually be able to create. Because, we are capable of creating beyond measures until we try. And the first step therefore is to have an intention, a powerful intention. I speak from my own personal experience that till I had an intention, I could never have a reality of what I wanted. Those areas that I was really committed to and had an intention(conscious/unconscious), I created wonders in those areas. But those areas which I never paid attention to, nor believed things were possible because I lived with my truth and thought that to be the whole truth, I didn't create anything in those areaa, the results therefore were minimal and not up to the mark. The day I realized the power of intentions is the day when my being shifted and so my actions. The Universe is really very kind, it always supports us in ways we may not imagine. The energy flow of the Universe is amazing; only when we restrict it through us rushing or through inaction, that we become stagnant. Either we run faster and faster and remain in the same space or we don't do anything and be in the victim state assuming someone else will create the things for us. Follow these three simple steps to fulfill your dreams: 1. Have a powerful intention, your inner commitment that you want to live by and give it to the Universe. Remember, you need all the resources, inside and outside you to fulfill the intentions. 2. Own that intention inside of you, belief in it even though you might be way behind it now. 3. Take baby steps towards fulfilling that intention. Remember that it's these baby steps that determine the strength and character of your journey forward. Your entire focus should be on your actions and nothing else. This is what is known as mindful actions. Last and one of the most important things to do is to be grateful for all that is happening because everything is supporting you to move in the right direction. With gratitude, you move forward with great velocity. Your focus is then on the things that are working for you. And this is very important fuel for you to move ahead when things won't proceed as per plan. What you put more focus on is what gets created finally. So, trust yourself and have childlike trust and faith in the Universe. Remember, intentions shifts your being and when your being shifts, your actions changes too. Love and light, Priyanka We all live by our stories and we hold on to it strongly. But, stories are not the reality, it's not the 100% truth that we easily assume it to be. Stories are just stories that are past and nowhere relevant in the present. Because of this attachment to our version of story, we live in constant state of stress, worry, fear, unhappiness and pacify our pain by putting blame and projecting our inner reality outside. The question is not about dropping the story but investigating our thoughts around that story that has the power to liberate us and set us free. When we are free, our thoughts and actions are in sync and they are far more clearer, kinder and fearless. All the battles that we are fighting outside first needs resolution in the inside; after all we are nothing more than what we are inside of us and we create that reality for us everywhere.
At age 38, I am glad that I found that liberation inside me that has set me free from the shackles of my own attachment to uninvestigated thoughts and my old stories that had been over long back, but I am holding on to them and replaying those in my mind with every thought that I feed in, thereby feeling the angst, pain, fear and worry of living it again. Loving and accepting the reality is so grounding & humbling that I spare myself from unwanted speculation of myself and others and just live in the moment. When I live in the moment, there is so much power. My entire energy is just being used right here, right now. What happens when I do that? I become saner than before, wiser than who I was, productive in my actions, enjoy life more than what I did and best of all become aware of the power of truth, the power of reality as it is and accept it with open arms. This to me is empowerment! Most of our lives is spent in focusing on others' business. When I say others' business, I mean when I put my energy, thinking and thought on what others should do and not do, what should have been right, not right, what my expectations from others is, how a system should function, how people should act, behave, how they should treat me for my actions and behaviours etc. etc. We spend our lives doing this: consciously and unconsciously. The result of this is, we walk away from discovering the truth that lie within us and just become a talking saint. When the focus is shifted into our own business, we find liberation, freedom, peace, love and ecstasy. We all point at others and try to correct them, but failing to realize that major work needs to be done in us because that's our business first and as we do this we enable the change in others because the world mirrors our behaviours and actions. Not the other way around. From a victim state to a creator is the most wonderful gift that we can gift ourselves with. But, doing this is tough. When we focus on being right, then we cannot uncover our truth. But, when we commit to living in truth, then we can drop the guards and see the reality. When you see the reality, chances are that you will feel disgusted initially or even feel judged by yourself because after all you are shedding a reality that you had dearly owned for long. But, now that you have uncovered it, you lay there like a new born pure soul fearing to stand up on its own and doubting self; but with time you'll learn to sail this journey too. It's all in your mind. The day you can accept it for who it is, that's the day you are free to feel joy, love and peace within. And then what happens is nothing but a life of bliss, meaning, contribution, purpose and eternal progress. This writing is inspired after reading the book, "Loving what is by Byron Katie" and I am so grateful to her for this book. This is what I needed at this point in life. She did the work on herself and with that liberation, she is transforming the world around her including me. As she says, "Judge your thought, investigate it, turnaround and set yourself free." Here I am investigating a thought that used to bother me for long. The four questions as laid down in the book is asked my me to me and watch how things turn around. You too can see and try it out for yourself and uncover the truth. My thought (I am judging the system from the story that I have created in me): I dislike system because it doesn't give me the freedom to be me. Proof of truth: I become just a follower of instructions and lose my creativity. My productivity goes down. First investigative question: Is this true that I dislike system......? Me: Yes, I have felt this way. Second investigative question: Can this be really true, 100% true? Me: Not sure, I haven't asked myself this question before. Have you always felt this way? Where there opportunities were you felt free being in the system? Me: Yes, there were few exceptions to this. Third investigative question: How do you react when you belief the thought that I dislike system because it curbs my freedom? Me: I shut down, withdraw, repulse, resist it and at times become rebellious too to fight it out.I feel angry and suffocated and feel like running away from it thinking that leaving it would fetch me liberation. Is there a stress-free reason to hold on to this thought? Me: Not really, I can't find any at this moment. Fourth investigative question: Who would you be when you drop this thought and how would you behave? Me: I would be happy, productive, creative and use my potential to the fullest while in the system. Turn arounds (You turn around your initial thought and direct it towards you):
Hilarious but insightful isn't it?! And any turnaround is useless if that is not backed by action. My journey of uncovering my truth is on. As I turned around my own thoughts, I just set myself free from holding on to a story that was causing pain in me and not allowing me to think clearly and accordingly perform to my best ability. We all unfold in our own sweet time and that's the beauty of this journey. Every experience that you encounter is required for you to enable that unique growth in you that you need. Welcome home and enjoy this journey at your own right time. Love and light, Priyanka "Introverts make up one-third to one-half of the population - including some of the world’s most gifted individuals." This dates back to my days when I was working with The Muthoot Group and handling training & development there. There was an internal development program during which the trainer had asked us to answer few questions related to our personality. I did too and when the analysis of the results came up, I was specifically told by the trainer that I am very apt in giving, taking care of others but when it comes to receiving help, seeking for help, I was very closed. Those days I didn't have any clue as to what this was all about. I was for sure confused with what he said and left it that way. Didn't ask anyone but tried to figure out myself what this could be. I am open to giving but not to receiving?! As I progressed in my career, as I matured, I analysed my style of working in the corporate. I was always there to help, solve problems, challenges, help others get their dues; but when it came to receiving with equal velocity, I didn't. In fact, I unconsciously expected others to understand me the way I understood them and provide for solutions without even asking for. What a difficult expectation to live by and seek for?! How will someone know what I needed/wanted if I don't tell them?! Others might not even think that I need help/support. I might be struggling to find a solution and might desperately need help. But, my default personality, my fear would not let me break-free. In fact, the fact that I have to ask for help, triggered in me the deep-seeded belief that I was incapable. I tried to mask this fear and tried to act like the superwoman who is self-sufficient and capable of helping oneself. All these and many more realization brought home to me my awareness around my own blind spot. That I am writing openly about this is a big sign that I have transformed and what was a shadow in me has now become my strength. The ability to solve one's challenge is great, that's the gift of a problem-solver, but this very gift can become a shadow if I become too engrossed in this passion of solving problems all by myself and not seeking help when required. Honestly, I learnt to ask for help over the period of time. And this feels so good. Asking for help in no way demeans your ability to solve your challenges.It just paves the way for various choices in solving the problem which necessarily doesn't have to be my way. Why do you think I am writing about all these?! I come across many introverts like me who are doing good in life, but may not be doing great. I am referring to experiencing that greatness when you drop your guards and allow yourself to be human and not just the sensitive giver, performer, the problem-solver, challenger ignoring acknowledged/unacknowledged self needs. The dilemma of the introverts is their inability or difficulty in admitting & accepting that they need support/help. They find it very hard and hence may become so used to their own style and ways of working that it envelops all their goodness at times and puts them in very difficult and lonely situations. Many a times their emotions are misunderstood because they keep it to themselves and yet perform their roles. Saying No is also so difficult for them. They can say No to themselves, but not to others. You are in a meeting or large group of strangers or not your inner circle of people and you are suddenly hit with a great idea. While you are mustering the courage to voice the idea out loud, the extrovert sitting next to you blurts it out first, getting all the credit. Although they never mind giving away the spotlight, but it also doesn't mean that they dislike acknowledgement & appreciation. Well, there's a plethora of traits which as I unravel myself will put it across in the form of a blog post or insight. Introverts are usually closed people in the sense that they do not derive their energy from sharing their world with others but they find solace in themselves. They draw the energy from within themselves and many a times they are considered to be cold and withdrawn unless and until you speak to someone very close to them and understand their personality. No way is introversion a bad thing but like every personality has it's gift and shadow side, likewise, introverts too have this. When they are aware of their blind spots, they have the choice either to expand their horizon of either living with that pattern or widening it for their own good. As per many research and studies, these are some of the great traits of introverts:
Another study found that introverted characteristics are prevalent in effective leaders known as “servant leaders”. What introverts can teach you?
Dark side of being an introvert:
One of my very first coaching client was an introvert. I attract who I am basically. And I still remember his words,"I dislike small talks, I find hard to break the ice and I find it hard to show my emotions to everyone. I am considered as a closed person which I am not because I deeply care for people and may be I feel for them more than others do. Just because I don't speak out loud and remain reserved doesn't mean that I am heartless. I am sensitive and I get hurt easily but I mask my emotions and nobody is aware about how I am feeling inside.I dislike taking help because to me that's like bothering others and asking for too much when I already know what is happening in his/her world." That's the dilemma of the introverts. I know many introverts who are considered as extroverts in the corporate world. Their role demanded them to be so and so they have a dual personality: one for the people outside and the other for themselves and for their inner circle of people. As an introvert myself, all I can say is that you don't have to mask anything or hide any of your personality but make this your strength. Before you pick up anything that I say, ask yourself if all that you are doing is truly serving you or can there be a different way of exploring things including one's personality? When you are aware of your behaviours, personality, what happens: you have the choice to choose that which help you and become your better version. You don't have to change your basic psyche but what if you challenge yourself to do things that you are holding yourself from doing?! As humans, we are dynamic and we evolve. I find many introverts telling me: I wish I was more open and I wish I was more accepted for who I am. Come on, people will only know us if we allow them inside our world! When you share about yourself, you might get vulnerability hangover. But, that's okay because you are challenging yourself and you grow only when there is motion. Growth doesn't happen inside your comfort zone but outside of it. Check this diagram below to understand more about the comfort zone and growth zone. Only when you decide to make a journey out of your comfort zone, you will experience the joy that lies being in the growth zone. Our endeavour should be to evolve into our best selves and not to loose ourselves in this journey. Last but not the least, here are a few great personalities who were introverts and made tremendous contributuion to mankind. This is to show you your potential and the possibilities that you can create for yourself and others:
1. Issac Newton 2. Albert Eistein 3. Mahatma Gandhi 4. Warren Buffett 5. Michael Jordan 6. J.K. Rowling 7. Steven Spielberg 8. Dr. Seuss 9. Elon Musk 10. Mark Zuckerberg 11. Barack Obama Love & light, Priyanka {An introvert signing of for today :-)} We all talk about new year resolutions and goals, but as we progress through the year, most of our resolutions fade away and we are back to square. Resolutions create pressure in our mind. Resolution is a promise, a declaration which we may not uphold because we commit to it out of excitement as we unfold the new page of the new year. We just flow with the momentum and give in without really analyzing what we want, can do, what we are committed to doing and the like. As we start, our dopamine levels are pretty high and we feel so happy to declare our resolutions, but as we move ahead, we give up when we don't get the results as expected. We forget our bad habits, we forget our patterns and we just jump in with the resolutions. We can't remodel our lives overnight! We focus on the results and not the actions that are required to produce that result. What happens then, we get demotivated easily. We give up easily. We are in too much of a hurry and don't really enjoy the process. We know what we want, but we don't know why we want that. But, the key here is being consistent and being in the game. So, instead of resolutions, what if you live by a word each passing day that would take you closer to your dream, your goal, your inner commitment?! What is the word that you would love to live by in 2019 to enable you closer to your final destination? This word can be anything that you want to challenge yourself with, gift yourself with and push your limits. That's the infinite resolution you make and this wouldn't create any pressure but your zeal to live in the moment, be in the present moment will increase. All the energy that we waste in thinking about the past, worrying about the future, will then be fully used to leverage the present moment. And interestingly, this will increase our productivity, our performance, our ability to think, create and innovate. The word that I choose for myself this year is deep connection. I have no resolutions, no goals, but yes inner commitment to form deep connections with people whose lives I am committed to impact. And being consistent in doing that is the key to success. Life is all about experimenting and doing what you are fearful of doing. You need to listen to your heart and pick up that word that you deeply feel. The mind will carve out a way forward. Whatever word you choose for yourself, be mindful of giving yourself that first. Only when you can experience that, you will be able to create it for others. For instance, if as a Sales person your target is to make X no of sales this year, then focusing on just the number won't serve the purpose. You have to think deeply and figure out what would enable you to achieve that target. What input you need to give in to realize that target? Some introspection, some reflection will help and you will able to figure out a word that you have to own up in you to be that sales person who would achieve his/her target effortlessly and joyously. Just live by that every moment. As you progress, you may get Nos along the path, but remind yourself of your inner commitment, the word that you have committed to live by and keep taking actions every day, in every act of yours. As you develop consistency, you will realize that you have come much closer to your target than what you thought of. All of us dream, desire; but only a handful of us fulfill our intentions and why?! Our decision to either give up or grow, will determine our success in attaining the goals that we have set for ourselves. Do check the learning circle below to get better insights about this. Wishing you success, joy and fulfillment of your inner commitment. Be the mirror for yourself, be your own competition. Start living the word that you have picked up for yourself.
Love & light, Priyanka It's the way you view your world which creates your reality of you, the people you encounter and life in general. Instead of trying to look for things outside us to transform, change and make better, the only simple thing that we need to do is to turn the focus within and have a look inside. You will get all the answers to your questions that have been bothering you. Your quest for love, approval, importance, peace, happiness, purpose, meaning; everything gets resolved once you gain the insight to peep within and see what's there hidden that is not letting you find what you are looking for. The journey inward is a very scary one and hence we resist walking that journey in the first place because it brings us closer to some unknown facts about ourselves, some unacknowledged aspects of our being which we aren't aware of or consciously don't want to know. For us to come out of the cocoon that we are in, we need to be willing to transform, be willing to accept the uncertain and be willing to risk ourselves and trust the process. Unless we do that, we live in oblivion of ourselves and others. We just keep looking outside desiring a beautiful life, a great career, perfect relationships, perfect partner, someone who would understand us, meaning in life and what not. But, alas we don't turn the focus on us and see what is there inside which is getting reflected outside in different forms that I am not attune to. The views that we have of others, ourselves, life and every situation is nothing but a reflection of our inner world. We project our insecurities, our beliefs, our fears outside of us and try to find joy in doing so. But, sadly this is temporary and won't fetch anything in the long run. It will put us back to where we are, with no growth, no evolution happening.
As you look within, the first thing you learn to do is to accept yourself for who you are. Good, bad, ugly, guilty, whatever hidden self resides in you, you learn to accept, forgive and embrace yourself & fall in love with your essence which pure, serene and unscathed. Loving oneself is the best gift that you can gift to yourself. Once you pass this phase, you automatically widen your horizon to accept others and understand them better. Your acceptance level goes beyond imagination! You no longer remain inside the box with rigid views and accept the reality that there can be infinite views that a person can hold and respect the differences. Because there is no truth in the truth that you hold, it's just your truth and not necessarily the only truth. These are your assumptions of what you think and believe to be true. When we attach too much to our thoughts, that becomes our belief that we hold on to and find it hard to release that because that becomes our identity. It's hard to break an identity! Right?! So, we remain inside our own reality without realizing the beauty of other realities. And then suffer internally thinking that life is not beautiful, people are not good and worst of all, there remains vacuum inside which we try to hide from our self & others. We use distractions to protect us from this melancholy feeling and wonder why we aren't happy, why we don't have great relationships, why despite of so many people around I find myself all alone. Life is a beautiful journey and we create that for us by choosing to walk the path that evolves us, allows us to bloom and not the one that makes us more fearful and puts us back to the dungeon to rot in uncertainty, doubt and fear. We get just one life and how we live it is entirely our choice! You can choose to crib all along, blame others, consider yourself as victim and bury yourself in seeking outside approval and fulfill obligations that you are not 100% committed to or choose to create a life where you hold yourself accountable for everything that is happening in your life, regain the power to change it for better, give yourself that unconditional love to accept yourself and others and walk the journey where you bloom,evolve every passing day & become your best version having it all, nowhere to run after, nothing to prove but just be happy, contented and create meaningful, purposeful impact in the world fulfilling your unique purpose this life-time. Come home to yourself before it is too late and before you regret on your death bed. Let life not give you scary reminders to do this, let your wisdom enable you to walk this path.Your path is unique and you have to walk it. No else will. Love and light, Priyanka "Know thyself" - Socrates
As I progressed in my life, as I became more aware of myself, I started having a purposeful, joyous life having deep connections with people whom I earlier resisted because of my own battle with myself, I started doing things that I was fearful of and never imagined I could do but desired to do, I slowly understood the power of knowing thyself. What exactly is knowing thyself and why it changes everything for good?! Nothing in this world is real, it's the meaning that we give to things that we think it to be real. Our thoughts aren't real, our mind is not 100% correct but a manifestation of what possibilities we think is possible. Life is infinite and so are the experiences. We are much more than our thoughts and meanings that we give to ourselves, others and all the happenings on this earth. We are limitless, our possibilities are limitless. The programming that is inside us determines what reality we will create in our lives. Anyways, one day we all will leave this world after playing our part here. Whether you played it full, halfheartedly or whether you lived in constant fear, doubt, uncertainty determines what you will experience and what idea you will have of life and people in general. Knowing oneself opens the doors to possibilities. Once you know thyself, what is important is to conquer that part of you that holds you back from experiencing your true potential, your limitless power. Yes, conquering the 'fear-based you', is what this life's journey is all about. You don't need to conquer anything else. No people, no place, no relationship, nobody for that matter but your 'fear-based you' that remains inside of you to protect you. The irony is, it never allows you to experience the limitless possibilities that resides inside you. Because with protection comes doubts, uncertainties and fears. Overcoming these is a big challenge because we are used to being protected: protected in the womb, as we grow up, protected by our own mechanism of self-defense. And alas, we loose the beauty of knowing ourselves and what we can create! We are infinite. We are boundless. I regret for having spent most of my life living in fear, doubt, uncertainty, living in obligation and approval from myself, others. What a waste of this precious life! Isn't it? I wish I knew this before. Hold on, I knew all of these intellectually, I am an avid reader and had all this wisdom intellectually as to what is right and not right. But, did I do it despite of knowing it? No, I didn't because my four bodies: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies were not in sync and not prepared to accept the learning and use it to action. I just knew it but didn't grow across the bodies to actually imbibe those learning for bettering myself. I guess I have grown now and am ready to receive this viscerally and apply to increase my vibration and energy. Most of the time we focus on what should be right, what could be right, how others should respond, what others should do, why I am not doing what needs to be done etc. etc. We just justify our actions and make a fool of ourselves. We don't want to really know the truth. We keep running away from it till we are fortunate enough to be hit by life itself or realize ourselves about this futility. When we focus on ourselves, when we try to understand why we are doing what we are doing, why the fear, when we open up to accept the truths which necessarily doesn't belong to us, when we choose to question our thoughts, thinking and the box that we are residing in, that's when we break the first wall of our own creative reality. When we decide to really uncover the truth, we drop our perceptions, our thoughts and be OK with letting it down and even completely erasing it, in fact replacing it with a new empowering thought that will take us one step closer to our purpose. It's easy to live a life of approval and obligation but hard to live a life of purpose and joy. Because that requires challenging our old self, challenging our habitual programmed self and conquering our fear-based self. Once you can do that, life becomes beautiful, meaningful with nothing to hide and prove. Then all your dreams come true, all your relationships get better, your career becomes more fulfilling and you just create the life that you want. Conquering your 'fear-based you' gives you the power to create the life of your choice where you are the master of it. This new year, I urge you all to reflect on conquering your 'fear-based you' to live a life of purpose and joy. Until you decide and walk that path, you will never know the peace that is there while doing this. You are more than your fears, doubts, uncertainty. You are your life's creator. Uncover the essence in you to have a majestic life ahead. Wish you a happy, fulfilling and abundant 2019. Love and warmth, Priyanka |
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February 2023