"Intuition is the whisper of the soul", says #JidduKrishnamurti. To listen to the whisper, you must be still, present & aligned with your #innerbeing. #AbrahamHicks too said, "Your inner being is saying to you: you just need to follow us & we'll guide you around all of this resistance. We'll guide you around it, we'll guide you to what you want around all this resistance." If you take a moment to reflect on what this #life is all about, you'll realize that our lives have purposes unique to us. Ultimately it is a walk towards liberation and how well you played your part. Clearly we have not come here to be clones of each other but to express our uniqueness. Our #excellence lies in our uniqueness and to embrace that uniqueness in us, we must allow our true selves to be seen, accepted and acknowledged by us. No one will find us, but we must. The famous Psychoanalyst D W Winnicot says, "It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found." But the moment we take birth, we fall into the grind of conditioning and slowly deviate from who we are and become a part of the herd. We start wearing the facade and gravitate towards paths that is not a reflection of our true strengths and desires. We reject, disown, deny our true selves which lead to fragmentation within and thus we lose touch with our internal compass. Our internal guidance system is actually how we feel. But we supress our very own guidance system and thus our inability to listen to it. Few years back, I realized that I never honoured my own guidance system and thus gravitated towards people, paths and tribes that weren't a reflection of who truly I am. Something was always missing depsite of all the success, recognition & acheivement. I then decided to make my internal guidance system my compass for navigating my way out.There was resistance because I was used to approval receiving, information seeking, validation from the outside. But slowly as I took the tiny step towards deciding based on what my intuition was telling me, I started unravelling a goldmine within and gravitated towards the tribe that was always waiting with arms wide open to receive me. We are often placed in environments which is exactly the opposite of what we truly desire and intent. Because the facade attracted that and manifested that into our space. Unless and until we choose to embrace ourselves, we can never find our path, our purpose in life. As you integrate parts within you, as you become aware of the fragmentation within, you realise that the path to liberation is never in changing the outer world but in truly embracing and being in alignment with your inner being. We all are sourced from one Source Energy and share the same #essence. This is a profound #awareness and then how we see everyone changes. This time I decided to stay at an #airbnb for my trip to Mumbai. And there I met the daughter of the legendary #FilmDirector, #BimalRoy, Rinki Roy Bhattacharya who is a celebrity in her own way. She is an acclaimed author, member of censor board & chairperson of Bimal Roy Film Society. Choosing the airbnb was an intuitive decision on my part. Only when I reached the airbnb I got to know what a profound lineage the host has! I was pleasantly surprised and my heart is filled with gratitude for the wondeful time that I spent there, learning more about her journey and about the film world. I felt connected to her & experienced her vulnerable side which made me realize that unless we care for people, we can never know them deeply. I met so many wonderful celebrities during my stay there. Got an invite from the famous Maithli Rao who is a film critic and celebrated writer to be at her book launch. Her new book: The Millennial Woman In Bollywood A New Brand? was launched by the noted actress Vidya Balan & I was a part of it. One of the wonderful moments in my life that I shall cherish forever! I didn't expect that all these was in store for me. Thanks to my #intuition! This time I decided to stay a little longer. And that's when I got an opportunity to listen to Dr. Pawan Agrawal, who is Mumbai Dabbawala's authorised speaker, an international motivational speaker and Founder & President of Kamalabai Educational and Charitable Trust, Mumbai. His humility touched me. And what he choses to do: higlight the immense possibility in human beings, inspired me. This world is so beautiful only if we choose to see it and elevate ourselves to #bethechange. When I meet such people, I am always inspired and feel joyful. Can't stop quoting the butterfly effect here:
Even a minor shift can have a tremendous effect. Like butterfly's flapping of wings which is capable of altering the path of tornado. The choice is ours. We can choose to deny our intuition or decide to follow it and contribute towards Universal expansion. Leaving you with this declaration by the great environmentalist Paul Hawken, “What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of grace, justice, and beauty to this world.” What you choose to see will determine how this world will be. That's the start of everything. And your choice shall determine your strategy & action plan. And that's your #karma. What you put out comes back to you. You are the maker of your life. Thank you Universe! Believing in you, Priyanka #coachpriyankadutta #lifecoach #intuition #magic
YOU TAKE YOURSELF WHEREVER YOU GO What will you choose when you are amidst something that is ugly, toxic and dark? Very often, we deflect or absorb. The ability to transmute, is something if you practice, will help you realise who you truly are! It takes immense power, strength & stillness to be blossoming in an environment that is not conducive for growth. But the moment you realise that this not so conducive environment is actually the manure you need to elevate yourself to the next level; the moment you stop running from it and stand firm in it, you have laid the foundation for your true growth. You have laid the foundation for not just ordinary expansion, but an expansion that will shine through you and be an inspiration to others. We look for greener pastures. We seek for better, the best. That’s hardwired in us. But there’s a difference in expansion which is a by-product of our inner growth & expansion which stems from running away from where you are. With no internal growth happening, if you just keep seeking for that which suits who you are, rest assured that you have created a recipe for your failure, suffering & pain. For, with no internal growth; you’ll find yourself in the best of the environments and still create the same dynamics there, for you take yourself wherever you go. EARTH IS OUR SCHOOL How long will you run? One day you will have to accept the Is ’ness of the situation, the reality of your character, strengths & who you are. When you realise who you are, you don’t run from situations but situations start transforming. People start behaving differently, you start seeing things differently and most important of all, you find joy amidst the outer chaos. The chaos then isn’t chaos but ingredient for your deep inner work, your practice ground. As Spiritual leaders have said, ‘Earth is our school, where we have come to realize our essence.’ And lotus is the right metaphor to let us know that even amidst dirt, ugliness; the light within you can shine through & bloom. Mastering this is a life-long practice! Only the aware ones choose to practice, for true freedom lies in that. Leaving you will this question: Have you got what you are seeking for in life? If not, it’s time you change the question to: Have I realized who I am?
Believing in you, Priyanka Gif credit: https://giphy.com/explore/royalty-free When nothing seems to be working as per plan, that's the time when we are more prone to doing & attracting things in our lives that isn't for our highest good. The pain of being in that discomfort becomes so unbearable that our physical dimension wants to gravitate to all that we are not & all that we wouldn't jump into, had things been great as per our perspectives. Many call this the dark night of the soul. I would rather call it the peak of a breakthrough. This phase, this moment of endurance is very crucial for our expansion & growth. We can either slip again to our past patterns or jump into the unknown & experience a new way of being. As a human being who incarnated in this life, it is our natural tendency to succumb to our compulsive behaviours & be lured to settle in the known, familiar & what looks doable by our egoic mind. But this life is all about expansion. We can't keep ourselves in a box. Our soul seeks for expansion & newer experiences. It has incarnated in this physical dimension to experience & fulfil the purpose for which we are here. However hard we try, we can't tame it. And if we wish to tame it, it'll loose the zest & vitality of life. And slowly after a certain point, we'll realize that it has lost all the vigour & vitality to be a 'YES' to life.
Expansion is our natural state of being. Denying it is a disservice that we do to ourselves & humanity for we are denying ourselves & all who are meant to be impacted by our expansion, the experience of our evolved perspective. As you walk your journey of expansion, may you embrace the wisdom of your soul to guide you through all the temporal discomfort & find joy in the ride itself. This life is a ride, it's on us how we steer through everything that comes our way. The very fears that are holding you back are the very doors that will unlock the path that is ahead of you. Have compassion for your fears, look at it with unconditional presence & love and give it time to transmute to the creative force that it is. After all, just like you, your fears are also seeking for an expression in an expansive way through you to be able to transmute to a higher vibrational energy. Enjoy the ride of life! A note to self & all those going through dark times... Deep Bow, Priyanka #motivation #meditation #wellbeing #life #selfcare #CoachPriyankaDutta #transformation #healingjourney #healingvibrations |
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February 2023