I am a big fan of Simon Sinek because of his work, his thoughts and ideas. I find sync in what he does and I wish to imbibe the learnings in my life and profession. For those who is not familiar with Simon, he is a leadership guru, professor at Columbia University, founder of SinekPartners (Corporate Refocusing) and author. He is best known for popularizing the concept of “the golden circle” and to “Start With Why“. I chanced upon a beautiful video by Simon this morning and I found this to be so in tune with myself. The video talked about finite goals vs. infinite goals. I always had finite goals in my life. I always had plans in place for everything I did. Although I was spontaneous with certain things, but as far as my major goals in life were concerned, I always had finite goals set and I achieved them. But with every achievement, I felt the strong inquiry deep within me: What next now? I didn't really acknowledge myself for growing in that space of attainment of the goal. Even if I did celebrate my achievements, I didn't viscerally feel it. As a hind-side, my expectations of others were the same. My acknowledgements of others were as cold as my self-acknowledgements. In fact, the joy after every achievement was not as great as the zeal to get to the goal was. I didn't know how to enjoy the journey because majorly my focus was on achieving the goal. Life is infinite, our careers are infinite and so are the experiences. Along with the achievements, there were regrets of losing out on certain aspects, certain sacrifices and many more. And when I didn't achieve some of my goals, there was sheer resentment and shame for self. As if I never learnt to embrace the joy of learning and the growth that happened inside of me because of playing that game no matter the win or lose. After hearing Simon talk about finite goals, I realized that all my life I had set such goals and I didn't know how to convert these goals into infinite so that I find more fulfillment and joy in what I do. Converting finite goals to infinite means, how you now after having attained what you wanted to, become better and better at it. Because that is something infinite and boundless and not just restricted to just achieving the goal but getting better at what you achieved.
Of late, I have been interviewing inspiring leaders with an intent to know their inside world so that I can pen these observations & learnings in the form of a book that I want to gift to the world. I have spoken to quite a few of them, all high-achievers, excellent performers in their choice of field. But one thing was common: many acknowledged that there was no fulfillment, they looked for the next goal, there was vacuum inside, loneliness at being who they are etc. Some of these were acknowledged and some weren't. I could relate to them because I saw a reflection of me in them when they shared this. And today's video by Simon just was a bull's eye to this entire experience. When you focus on finite goals, you just focus on achieving it without really enjoying the journey. You focus on everything that you encounter with the lens of how this would help me in getting to my goal. You become absorbed in attaining that goal and hence, when you achieve that you don't derive any fulfillment in that because that was majorly focused on achieving and not on contribution bigger than self; majorly on feeling good and not on making a difference; on either success or failure and not on the journey of evolution as a result of embarking on that journey. Finite goals are fixated but infinite goals are filled with possibilities and limitlessness. One talks about achievement and the other focuses on potential and growth. It is important to find fulfillment by being on the journey and not just achieving it. There's nothing wrong in achievement but when that becomes an addiction and not a source of joy, you miss out on the major aspect of your being and who you are becoming/evolving in that journey. When the focus is on others, their growth and not on me, there is more joy in attaining those goals. The power is always in the journey. Goals are about what you become in achieving your goals not what you get. Getting is the finish line but goals are infinite and so are the possibilities of creation. To play the infinite game, you need your will and resources to keep playing no matter the win or loose and then create infinite possibilities for yourself and others. There is scope for improvement in all of us. It's a matter of choice though to keep playing this game and realize your truest potential. Some of the questions that you can ask yourself to set infinite goals for 2019: What empowers you to preserve even when you feel like giving up? Are you up to be your better version of self to fulfill your bigger cause? What would you like to leave behind you to outlast your finite presence and contribution? Are you choosing the finite goal or infinite goal in 2019? Love and warmth, Priyanka
Every session with my clients is like a new project for me. It enlivens me and makes me come home to myself. It is an opportunity for me to learn something new, to uncover another layer of oblivion, believing in the strength within, trusting my body as my tool to lead me forward, because it holds everything inside its space: my mind, my soul, my emotions, my wisdom, my experiences, my beliefs, my memories, everything you name it. Nothing is outside of it. I share my time and engage in an energy exchange with them that leaves me with gratitude every time I see them grow across all the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual because I then feel the growth inside of me too. It's a parallel journey and worth the take. I was wondering what is that I find fulfillment in, after every session?! Is it because they have come closer to their goal? Is it because they are happy? Is it because one of their challenges got resolved? Is it because they are progressing in their path? Yes, for sure it includes all of these. But, there is something more. What is it exactly that gives me inner joy? My inner voice smiles and I fall in love with it again. I realized, it is the process of connecting with the other person on a deeper level where he/she becomes vulnerable, lays the trust and shows that side which is hidden from the world, it is like sharing their world with me during that time that holds my heart, that time, that space which tells,"Yes, I trust you and so showing you that side of me which I am afraid of myself, which I know is not so good in me; yet I know you will be beside me to lead me out, belief in my limitations and not judge me". Uncovering of the essence, the real you is what connects me to them and vice-versa and thus fills me up with deep joy, fulfillment, love and gratitude. When you get the glimpse of the genius, when you get to see the purity inside, the infinite possibilities, it transforms you because there is exchange of positive vibes which enables growth in both. As I see the light within, I realize how easy this is for them to take the next leap. I am filled with compassion at knowing their greatness, their strengths, their limitlessness. This reminds me of Simon Sinek's video on: "Why Leaders Eat Last?" There he talks about the hormones that are activated in our body based on certain activities that we do, he calls this model as EDSO. Endorphine are designed to mask physical pain; Dopamine are activated when we achieve a goal, complete a task. But these two hormones are selfish chemicals that lead to addiction. Serotonin makes us feel valuable. It is the leadership chemical as he calls it. With a release of this hormone, the confidence level goes up. Oxytocin is released when there is feeling of trust, friendship and love. Doing good things for others, giving your time and energy actually increases Oxytocin in your body and makes you feel happy, fulfilled and joyous. So, every time I coach, my Oxytocin goes up and I feel joy, love and fulfillment from within. Here's the video for you to have a better understanding about this entire model: What I have learnt being a Coach?
- Your body is one of the greatest tool that you can have to feel what your client is feeling, to sense what they are thinking, to use your intuition when you have less data to support you. Because there is much beyond data and numbers; there is infinite wisdom within. - To take your clients deep to their basement where their essence lies which will support deep, lasting transformation; you have to first do the deep work yourself to enable that mirroring to happen effortlessly. So, have a great Coach by your side to take you on that journey always.Be coachable. - Be vulnerable first with your clients for them to trust you to be vulnerable with you. - Make the four agreements to yourself: being impeccable with your words because you know the power of words, do not assume anything, don't take things personally and always give your best no matter what the situation, response or expectations are. Assumptions will ruin you and rob you off your soul and your ability to see the holistic picture. - Last but not the least, a Coach is like a leader (who makes the client feel safe while going towards the deep corridors of their inner basement uncovering their strategic self because you know growth lies there); like a parent (who nurtures and cares yet challenges when required) and an ally who draws out the greatness in the individual and commits to support, walk the unknown territory, goes deep down to take the person to a place that he/she otherwise wouldn't be comfortable going, yet making them feel safe, valued and enabling them to enjoy & celebrate their wholeness. And the most important of all learning: Learning is a journey and not a destination. So, keep learning everyday, every moment and keep making difference to others' lives & yours too. More work you do on self, more you evolve as a Coach & more impact you can create in your clients' lives. Coaching is leadership at its pivotal experience. Love & warmth, Priyanka "Love is the essence of being human, the connective tissue of reality, the oxygen of life." - James H. Olthuis
Have you ever asked yourself this question: Who are you? As we move along with our lives, we have little time to ponder and reflect. Such questions don't excite us much because it requires deep introspection to uncover the truth. It requires courage, honesty and purity of mind to even go to that depth. But, finding the answer to this is so important because it then connects us to our essence, the real you. We are not our projected identities, our titles, our awards, our achievements, our relationships, our career, our family, our hobbies, our distractions, our friends. We are more than all of these. These are just a part of our lives and not us. The real you, the essence is pristine, joyful, happy and loving soul that emanates from within irrespective of what we have achieved, acquired or even gathered in this entire lifetime. We spent years embellishing our essence but at some point in life when we are fortunate enough to get the wake-up call from the Universe, we realize that we are much more than what we think we are, much more than our wealth, much more than our accumulations, much more than we can think, dream or imagine. The light that resides in us is too powerful, profound to be compared with just one aspect of our life. We are who we are at the core, our being. A drop of the ocean resides in us, a source of that infinite power resides in us, unconditional love resides in us and that's our essence. We are love, possibilities, joy, abundance and an epitome of growth and change. When you get access to your own essence, you act, do, behave from a space of deep love for self, others and life in general. There is no longing but being in the moment, there is no fear but trust in self & people around you, there is childlike faith and trust in the Universe, there is joy in doing, being who you are without any expectations because you realize how profound a soul you are! You realize your wisdom, the resourcefulness and know that you are enough. But to come home to this awareness you have to allow yourself to walk through certain steps and confront certain demons inside you. There is no fixed formula to tell you that these are the steps and if you follow it, it will take you there. The reason being, we all are unique and travel our journey in our own unique pace. What may be a first step for me, might be a second step for you; what I might need now might not be required by you. You have to walk your own journey to be able to get access to this wisdom. And you have to choose who all are going to support you to walk this journey. You have to choose your well-wishers, your coach, your guide, your mentor to propel you to walk ahead in this journey. Nobody else would do this for you. Till the time you are at the unconscious incompetence stage of your life, you will keep longing, keep aspiring yet find no answer, no fulfillment. Only when you choose to wake up and look beyond, you will see the horizon and what message it has to give you. Our life's journey is a replication of our thoughts, feelings and actions. Our journey is to uncover our essence and find the real you to be able to live it fully, feel it fully and act upon fully. I welcome you all to walk this path of finding yourself. Who are you? A question that if you ponder and reflect will through light on your quest, purpose and essence. Love and warmth, Priyanka A great Coach is someone who holds the space for you to experience your greatness within when the world around judges you by being in their own conditioned boxes of beliefs, assumptions, worldviews, perspectives; gives you unconditional love & reverence; shows you the mirror not to make you wrong or make you feel guilty, but to give you access to your own blind spots, your growth areas with an intention to transform your being for you to experience yourself, people and life in a beautiful & profound way; gives committed listening to you inside of which you get access to your inner resourcefulness, your wisdom and thereby walk the path towards your highest self, your scary dream, your unimaginable goal. And in this journey, you connect with your essence and realize the authentic you.
In this journey called life, we all come with a pure essence, but as we progress, we knowingly/unknowingly start covering this essence, this diamond and keep looking for something outside us. We keep chasing, running after something without even realizing that what we are running after, is actually within us. What we long for is actually present inside us and we are unable to see it because of the blurred awareness that we have. Because of our years of conditioning, layering, masking, armouring, we lose that connect with our true essence. At the core, there is diamond inside every person, every being. Everyone is so beautiful, so pure; just that we need to decide to walk that inward journey to actually feel that essence in us and everyone around. As you walk this path, you realize that there is so much to unravel, uncover in us that instead of using our energy to transform ourselves, our being; we use this energy to first transform others and that's where we falter. We focus on improving others without ourselves doing that deep work required to enable that transformation. As we choose to walk this journey, we enable others to mirror our greatness, our positivity; we create for others that space to dive into this journey of transformation. As a Coach myself, I have this deep reverence and love for coaching because I can myself see that transformation happening inside me. I feel being connected to my essence, I feel love for myself, for others and every soul that I come across. There is no judgment, no pretense, nothing to prove, but just happy walking this path that I have come home to. I have deep belief in coaching because it has transformed me for better. I feel humbled and fulfilled from within. A great Coach enables growth across all the four bodies: physical, emotional, mental & spiritual and makes you consciously competent. Best of all, allows you to open up to this process at your own pace and time. And to hold someone in a space of love and reverence, see the genius in him/her, help him/her experience the warmth that lie inside of him/her, a Coach first has to be in that space and awareness himself/herself. Life is a beautiful journey from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence. When you are at the first stage of unconscious incompetence, you are majorly at a denial phase, sitting in oblivion and not aware of; as you move from this stage to conscious incompetence, you start realizing that you need to make a shift for actual growth to happen. That's when you choose to drop the lens with which you are viewing yourself, people and life. As you walk past this phase, you land up in conscious competence. Your level of self-awareness starts increasing and you now make a conscious effort towards walking the path towards self-mastery & growth. The ultimate stage is when you reach the climax of your growth stage which is unconscious competence. You do this effortlessly, unconsciously and are at a space of deep love, gratitude, reverence for self, people and life. That's a state of blissfulness which only a few masters who chose to walk the path of higher transformation & growth journey lands up in. I want to land up in this space someday unconsciously and effortlessly. Who is a great Coach? To me a great Coach is someone who lights the light inside you, connects you with your essence and makes you walk your own chosen path because that's unique, beautiful and truly empowering. When the spark is ignited in you, you just have to allow it to burn into a flame that can guide you through darkness and also keep you warm, gentle & loving from inside as you progress on your journey. I am thankful and grateful for choosing to walk this journey with the support of my Coach. I thank the Universe for letting this happen for me. I am happy to experience and viscerally feel this transformation happening in me. I am committed to doing my bit as a Coach and help transform lives along with working on my own transformation journey too. Love & reverence, Priyanka ![]() What's your failure quotient? How many times can you take Nos, rejections before you give up determines your ultimate level of success. To have exponential success, you have to be willing to embrace numerous Nos, rejections, be comfortable with banging your nose & be prone to adapting with failures. Hard to believe but yes, this is the truth! A person's failure quotient determines how far he will go in life; whether he will achieve his/her unimaginable/scary dreams or not. I wish I was aware of this mathematics earlier when I started my journey and career! Probably I would have fulfilled many of my dreams/goals by now. Nevertheless, as it is said, you receive the lesson at the time when you are ready and willing, so I am grateful to be sitting in this awareness and truly accepting the fact that failing and being a failure are two different things. Successful people embrace the act of failing, they are willing to fail; they like to fail; but unsuccessful people stop themselves from failing any further, they avoid failures, they hold themselves back. After few bumps here and there, they quit. That's it! I have always been a topper in my life. And every time I read stories like back-benchers making it to great heights and toppers being seen as someone not being able to make it big in life (statistics says so); I used to wonder why. Honestly, this pinched me too. Not that I didn't appreciate the success of the back-benchers, but pitied myself and my kinds. I used to feel very sad and even worthless for being a topper. I used to question myself as to why did I then put in efforts, burnt the mid-night oil etc., if toppers had to live a life of conformity?! Does it mean that hard-work, efforts didn't have a role to play?! Well, people who do well early in life get used to success and so they become very fearful of failures. They are fearful of rejections and Nos. So, they don't do anything that will sabotage their image of being topper, successful. The achiever's image is dear to them and throughout life, they live maintaining that. They never try out beyond their limits. Once they get what they wanted, they become complacent. One no, and they are doomed! One rejection and they can't handle it. So, they know how to underplay it. I failed to become a Doctor. I couldn't crack the entrance examination and this took a toll on me. The image of being a topper, an achiever; broke. I was under pressure to perform and focused all my energy on cracking it but with fear of failure. What if I didn't crack?! And yes, I didn't crack. It shattered me and I never tried again. I didn't know how to fail gracefully and I gave up. My failure quotient was lowest! One failure led me to give up my childhood dream! See that's why toppers don't become successful! Statistics are right! It has nothing to do with skills, potential; but your ability to embrace failures/rejections/Nos. When you don't take failures personally, you don't give up. You keep trying and trying till you get the yes. More the Nos, more is your validation to your inner commitment to yourself. May be my inner commitment to becoming a Doctor wasn't high and so my failure quotient to that was pretty low. Pick up any successful person and look at their failure quotient. You will be amazed! They have more Nos, rejections, failures than you can even think of. Thomas Alva Edison failed 10,000 times before he discovered bulb, Allen Breed who invented airbags pursued 30 long years before his product was sold and accepted; Sara Blakely failed numerous times before she became the youngest self-made billionaire....The list is endless! We don't see their failures because once you achieve success, all that people remembers is the ultimate level that you are in. Your desire, willingness, eagerness, persistence to fail determines if your 'WHY' to achieve is strong enough or not. I thought success was to avoid failures, being cautious. But this is absolutely a wrong equation to follow. Success is to embrace failures. More the failures, more the chances of your success. To dig out the diamond, you will have to dirty your hands; to succeed, you have to embrace Nos. So, ask yourself how many rejections have you faced in life? If the answer is No, you haven't tried enough to succeed. You are standing in your own way to greatness. Pike Syndrome is something I love. I am a victim of Pike syndrome. Google to know more about it. When you get conditioned and limit your actions/efforts because of past bad experiences, couple of failures/rejections and quit; that's called Pike's syndrome. As leaders also, when you reach a particular level in your career; you become very protective of your image and role. You refrain from failing, embracing Nos; you avoid failures; but you want you teams to try. Do you think they will? Absolutely not! They will eventually figure out that if you are afraid of something, they too will avoid that because they too seek security. Leaders who embrace Nos themselves; not only allow themselves to embrace their greatness but others too. My new learning: Embrace Nos with greater velocity and be happy every time you get it. Let the answers unfold as you do this. I leave you to unravel this secret in your own good time. Do watch this awesome video to figure out yourself what your failure quotient is?! Love & warmth, Priyanka
"For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced." - Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam
Can it be that you talk of young minds and you don't quote Dr. Kalam?! Well, today was one of the best days of my life. In fact, one of the happiest days because I got to spend time with the young minds: the future, the hope and the strength of today & tomorrow. I got an opportunity to share my journey and experience with the children of standard 3 as a part of their "Career Day" programme at school. Going back to the classroom took me back to my days as a child. A voice inside me was telling me, "Look, how far have you come in life! Today you stand there not as a receiver but a giver to ignite the young minds!" Let me tell you, at the end of the session, I received more from the young minds than what I gave them. I received loads of love, gratitude and innocence. This nourished my soul because they just poured all of these selflessly and in abundance. They didn't stop applauding; their teacher had to tell them to stop doing that. See, that's how children's are! They give and give and they are so good at expressing their emotions, whatever it may be; that they just let it flow. I am penning down some learning from that session so that we get to learn from these young minds. Yes, you heard me right! There are so many things we can learn from them. Here's a peep into their minds, their world. And as experienced professionals, we stand in a much advantageous position of leading them towards excellence. It starts right from your home with your child. So here it goes: 1. Be curious like the child: As we grow, we hold ourselves back. We masks, we armour and try to pretend to be who we are not. We don't ask questions because we want to feel like we know everything. As a result, we actually don't learn things after a point. We put on that veil of "knowing it all" and soon lose out. But a child is curious and hence they look for ways to find answers to their questions. There are so many questions that they have, they just need someone who would enable them to find the answers. Curiosity allows you to ask questions and brainstorm. And great questions lead to great ideas, great answers. 2. Show up 100% every time: No matter what, children shows up 100%. They are involved in the moment and what is right now in front of them. They are least bothered about what will happen next and how. They just know how to show up at this moment. So, from them you can learn to be present. That's what being mindful is all about. 3. They believe in their dreams: They are confident that they will achieve what they set out their minds to. They are full of confidence. Whether they know the way or not, that doesn't matter; they just want to dream and have full faith in themselves. This I guess is what is called the childlike trust and faith! Have you ever tried having childlike faith and trust?! Just try and see what difference it makes to your being. 4. They are like sponge: They absorb. Why can they do this?! Because they are receptive of new ideas and concepts. They aren't stubborn and are ready to quickly drop and pick up again. Our limiting mind doesn't allow us to receive all information. It only allows us to accept those that match our judgments, past experiences, our tunnel vision and the like. But, the children's mind is limitless. They are beyond what we adults assume them to be. They can ask you amazing questions that will even make you think. 5. They are fearless about failures: They don't make a fuss about failures. They are very resilient and can quickly change their emotional state. They know how to move on. As adults do we know how to process our emotions and move on? Do we know how to forgive and let go? 6. They are full of gratitude: As I ended the session, they showered me with claps that still echoes in my ears. They can give you the lesson of gratitude and make you feel so special. They can give you love because they are full of love themselves. What profound souls they are! As I ended the session with these young minds for now, I realized, we too were like these children, then how & when did we become different?! Have we dropped the good things that enliven the child in us or without our knowledge have we lost sight of them? Re-discover the child in you and give life yet another chance. Wake up and dream again, stand up when you fall, cry when you are sad and just be yourself without pretense. How beautiful it is to awaken the child in you again?! A day with the young minds was truly awesome and fulfilling. It awakened me and the child inside! #Gratitude Love & warmth, Priyanka "Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart & mountains will move out of your way." - Kate Seredy In all my blogs I have been mentioning about the inner power that we have. We are whole, complete and resourceful enough to achieve what we set out to. We are self-sufficient, yet we don't achieve what we want to. We always come back to square, the very place where we started. We are unable to move ahead not because there is lack of information around, but because of something else that we are unaware of. Many a times we are aware of what holds us back, but we don't know how to overcome these. That's why I always say, move out of your own way if you really want to achieve what you want to.If you want to be your best version, then you got to stand out of your way. Well, I am referring to the psychological barriers that hold us back from accessing our inner resources, the power that resides inside us. Psychological barriers are beliefs that a person has about himself/herself regarding his ability, potential, self-worth. They are some deformed thought patterns that don't allow us to break-free and attain what seems impossible for us. For a long time, I have been a victim of these psychological barriers myself. Overcoming these require much inner strength, strong will and courage. Pick up a sport and you will see how your psychological barriers come into play. That's why probably it is recommended to learn to play a sport at a very young age. That's the time when our mind is flexible and tender. We can mold our thoughts accordingly. As an adult, you too can achieve what may seem unattainable or impossible for you. But, what is required is first your courage to uncover your psychological barriers, your mental blocks and work on overcoming these. Most importantly, patience is required to allow yourself to unfold to this process of discovery. Many a times we find it hard even to accept our blind spots, it's like a tight slap on our face; something that we had been running away from & ignoring. Don't worry, I have been there and I know how it feels. I know now for sure that not uncovering is much more painful than confronting these. I would like to cite my example here. As a child, I used to play a lot with water and you'll find all my dolls bald-headed. Every time I used to play with my dolls, I shampoo their hair and clean them. The result of which was that I used to fall sick and had fever because I was majorly in water myself. My mother couldn't make me understand that and so the best that she could think of was, to cut all the hairs of the dolls that I had. I had a lot of other histories around water and my adventures. Somehow, without my knowledge, I developed this very strong dislike for water later. To the point that I was scared of even getting inside it. I had gone to Triveni Sangam to immerse the mortal remains of my father many years back. For those who aren't aware of Triveni Sangam, it is the meeting place of the three sacred rivers: the Saraswati, the Yamuna & the Ganga(Ganges) and is considered as a very holy confluence in Hindu tradition. A bath there is said to flush away all of one's sins. I didn't take a dip in that water out of fear. I was scared to that point. Later, when my son wanted to learn swimming, I allowed him to, despite of being fearful myself. I was so scared that I used to sit there watching him while he was taking his classes. I sat there and confronted my fears. That's when the Coach came up to me and told me to try out swimming. My first reaction was, "Me and swimming?! Oh! Forget it! I am very scared of water.I can never do it." The Coach insisted me and for many days I didn't even pay heed to him. I started giving him excuses saying that I had a c-section while giving birth to my child, I have a deep-seeded fear around water. I get sick and also an emotional block around water holds me back. But, somewhere deep down I wanted to swim. I had the desire but was fearful and my psychological barriers around my self-belief held me back from taking the plunge. The Coach insisted me and encouraged me. There were few other coaches who told him to stop pushing me because I was too fearful and hence they passed their judgement that I can never swim. This hit me hard. I then told the Coach, "I want to learn swimming. How can it be that I can't learn?! I will give it a try." And that's how my journey began. It took me a while and lot of endurance. Today I am a good swimmer and you can see me swimming in the picture above. I am not fearful of water anymore! I swim along with my son and every time I am fearful of anything, I just remind myself to get out of my way and let my inner resources play it's part. If I have created that limiting belief, I have the power to recreate another one. If I have held myself back, I have the power to push myself forward too. Since then I have been challenging myself. As a child I used to play Table Tennis, Badminton, even Cricket (advantage of having two brothers) & dance was something that came naturally to me. Sports had been an integral part of my life. So, I chose to embrace it now again because it rejuvenates my soul. I learnt Zumba, I did Zipping, Paragliding and now I am learning Kick-boxing to challenge myself more. There are many mental blocks which we aren't even aware of. Our job is to uncover them one by one till you are left with none. Our own psychological barriers hold us back from performing at our peak. Mental block is an inability to perform a certain action. It can be associated with just about every aspect of your life. Mental blocks are formed because of various reasons such as: 1. Painful or difficult unresolved experiences/memories which you have buried deep inside. 2. Lack of confidence due to lack of knowledge and experience. 3. Fear of the unknown creates paralysis and incapability to cope. Also, look at this info-graphics below to see where you stand. Here are some of the common mental blocks. See which one is familiar to you:
1. Self-doubt 2. Indecision 3. Fixed mindset 4. Self-criticism 5. Comparison 6.Uncertainty 7.Tunnel vision 8. Fuzzy Focus How to identify your mental blocks? Notice your inner dialogue and what words you commonly use for yourself. What feelings come to the surface. Journal it and read it loud to yourself. This will expose your mental block. Our own personalities and values get in our way. We may have a personality type & our values may be something which might be conflicting to what we belief, who we are and what we aspire to be. So, choose to stand out of your way if that is no longer serving you. You will be amazed at what you can create. Trust me, you can create more than what you belief you can. Love & warmth, Priyanka |
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February 2023