With our eyes wide open, we tend to dream. Some dreams are fulfilled and some aren’t. Today I realized a deeper insight about the truth behind unfulfilled dreams. The truth is, “I am responsible for my own failures and no one else.” All successful people have said this and proved it to themselves. Whenever I failed, I put the blame on others, other things, circumstances and many more. I just externalized it and shifted the responsibility of my failure to something else other than myself. I had sight but lacked vision for my dreams & goals. And when you truly have vision, you make it possible. It’s as simple as that. However, this realization takes time and effort from within. Have you ever thought, what stops us from being where we want to be? Have you ever pondered deeply to reflect upon the reasons for your status quo, repeated patterns, current state of affair etc.? If not, please do. The moment you figure out the truth, everything will fall in place. Your vision, the bigger picture will take you to the place you truly want to be. If you have not achieved what you say you wanted to achieve, it’s because you really didn’t want to achieve that. Your desire for not wanting that dream was stronger than your desire to making it real. Hence you failed and you gave excuses for the failure. I did that too and I don’t shy away from that. Let’s explore what the internal reasons for failure could be and see for yourself where you stand in this analysis. 1. Deep down you are scared that you’ll fail. The repercussions of failure bother you. You don’t want to go through this all over again. 2. You don’t want to be stirred up. You like being in comfort zone. 3. You like being sympathised for your unfulfilled dreams. 4. You fear being lonely in the path towards your goal. 5. Your commitment level doesn’t inspire you to overcome the challenges. 6. Your dreams don’t connect to your need. 7. You chose to falter your faith. 8. You fear accepting the immense power within you. Because that will take you to places that you have never explored/experienced before. 9. You like to be common and not different. 10.You don’t like to work hard & smart. Yes, truly. 11.You like to procrastinate. 12.You like to run away from yourself. 13.You like being a negative self-critic. 14.You don’t like to see the mirror within you. 15.You are happy where you are; you don’t want to be happier. 16.You have pain but that’s bearable. You enjoy that pain because that reminds you of something that is precious to you. If you do an honest analysis of this, I am sure you will at least get to know one such reasons for your failure in anything that you set out to do. Whether you chose to share it or keep it to yourself, is your choice. You may want to be there where you are if that place is what you want to be. But, if you really want to challenge yourself and unravel your potential, then I can bet you that you won’t stay there but come out of that zone which is called self-resistance. I have chosen to step out of that. I know it is difficult, but my desire to attain what I want is stronger than anything else. So, I can rest assured that I will succeed. Will you? Having said this, I don’t deny that external challenges aren’t there. But, all these can be overcomed only if our inner drive & passion are so strong that it takes us to where we want to be. Choosing to have a vision and not just sight, will take you to your goals. Overcoming self-resistance requires lot of self-discipline, practice and programmed activities. You must harness the courage to experience the difference; only then you will see a different YOU with all your dreams fulfilled. Best wishes, Priyanka
AuthorLife & Organizational Development Coach Archives
February 2023