(Honouring the #worldpoetryday today, 21st March...) I was trying to articulate my thoughts... As I was trying to untie the creative knots, The words that juggled inside me, Simply wanted to flow out & be free... Pop, they wanted to come out! The way they are, unpolished & uncut... They didn't bother about the appropriate time, They didn't care for the rhyme. All they wanted was an outlet to ooze out, All they wanted was joy of expression & shout. They told me not to hold back, not to fear, But to go out & live my dream so dear... They told me that this life is for once, So why wait for the right time; just dance?! "Go for it", they screamed inside me. Unless you take a step, how will you be free?! Then I asked myself,"Who is holding me back?" "I don't find anyone but myself"... "Is there anything that I lack?" "Not really, I have it all".... "More than I can recall". Over time I let fears overpower me, I let inaction define me; I let a default life take me through, I forgot when I last challenged myself & outgrew... "Yes, it was me,only me!" "I screamed to myself with joy & glee." For I realized who that captive is, For I realized who is the one who can recreate the magic within. As I stood in front of the mirror, Tears of joy trickled down & I opened the locked door... A door to immense possibility, creation & growth, Yes, I was holding myself & that's the truth. But, not anymore... Finally I let it flow, I let it out pour. A life of fulfillment & fullest expression, I let myself fly & soar high, And I do it with joy & passion... Best wishes, Priyanka
Everything is seemingly good in your life. You have a great reputation, a great career, an awesome family, you are living an envious life. And then suddenly one day, something drastic happens and your world comes crashing down in a fraction of second. You lost your job, may be you lost a loved one. You failed in an attempt that was dear to you. Your children didn't do well in their expected areas of their lives. Your relationship with your loved one breaks...et cetera, et cetera...... That's the time when your real self comes to play. The unmasked self. Are you prepared mentally & psychologically to deal with any such things in your life? Do ask yourself these: What is that thing you fear if taken away from you, you will loose your identity? What is that thing that matches/exceeds the expectations of your life at this point in time? If you have to give away that, will you still be happy? Will you be able to get past that? If yes, how? There are basically two things that human beings need: growth(a sense of development & not being static) & the other is the sense of being connected to be able to contribute. Why do you think some people make the most of any critical situation & some don't?!The reason is pretty simple. When you feel that the loss that has happened to you cannot be replaced/filled; when you feel the situation cannot be changed, that's the time when you loose the power to breakthrough & progress. The moment you feel helpless is the moment you see the inability to recuperate you current state, you panic & go to the negative mode. A sense of loss, inability, vacuum overpowers you. Every person has his/her ideal image of life. You may call this simply the mental sketch of life. Our life encompasses many aspects: relationships, career, family, spirituality, emotional fulfillment etc. You pick any area & everyone has deep hidden definition of how that area of life should look like or should be. In the areas that our current situation meets/exceeds the ideal image,we feel happy. When it doesn't, we get upset & stressed. The cause of unhappiness is not the situation per se, but our perception of the situation that we are in. What are the general reactions to our inability to see through a situation? - We often blame others and ourselves - This leads to frustration, anger & guilt - This creates negative energy within us - Takes away our power to create & think The moment we can flip our perception & look through the situation objectively, we can overcome every challenge in life. Being able to accept this as a challenge and not the end of the world, is the crux. Challenging times have the ability to give you the wisdom which happier times may not:
Would you let a challenging situation crush you or would you work towards your breakthrough? How does a breakthrough happen? Insights(Realization & change in perception) + Actions(Taking tiny steps to move forward) = Breakthrough(Life changing results) Leaving you with this thought: Your ability & drive cannot be taken away no matter what. So, would you say this with me? - "Bring it on. I am empowered within to face it head on." Best wishes, Priyanka |
AuthorLife & Organizational Development Coach Archives
February 2023