It takes lot of courage, authenticity to take that social mask off and connect with another human being at authentic level. Only when you choose to do that, you will feel deep connection both ways. And when you connect this way, you will surpass all the barriers and see past the inhibitions holding you back from enjoying this joy of just truly connecting with another living soul.
What truly connects us is the wrinkles and not the smoothness. When you are comfortable in your skin, when you are comfortable with who you are; you transfer that energy to the other person who can feel it and of course mirror back. Whenever you feel disconnected, do ask yourself these questions: What is it that I have lost in me in gaining the smoothness around the virtual life that I feel disconnected to? What am I faking to myself that I feel this way? The disconnect is nothing but projection of your inner world of turmoil. When we live in projection, we lose out on real connection. When our focus is on our ego, we fail to make the connection. But when we center it on truly knowing the person, get really curious about the other person, is when we can elevate ourselves to that level of understanding another human being. Sometimes we create certain guards/walls around ourselves to protect us. This can be traced back to varied life experiences in the past that made us do what we do today. Some limiting belief picked up during childhood, some rules made by our mind to protect us. But what is important is to detach from these beliefs and ask ourselves: What am I truly gaining by holding on to this belief? Is it time that I drop this and try to see life from a different perspective with a new empowering belief? Sobriety is the greatest gift that one can gift oneself. It enables one to really connect with another human being. It is through this light of connection that we achieve all other goals of life. Sometimes small qualities that we chose to strengthen in ourselves make a huge difference. So, wake up every morning and ask yourself: Who do I really want to connect with today? And feel the difference in your day. Best wishes, Priyanka
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February 2023